An Artist Wannabe
I am an artistic person. In other words, I have a sense of beauty. For example, my friends ask for my advice whenever they cannot decide what to buy in clothing stores. They say that I usually make good choices that are not bounded by a passing fad. This means I have my own distinctive taste. Using this sense of beauty, I like creating something meaningful and valuable related to art. For example, Last summer, I lead a play workshop program in Russian department, and participated in the performance of a Russian play Wedding Ceremony as a main director. Including me, all the actors and staffs were college students who didn't have any experience in theater field, but we did our best to make it perfect and also creative. I instructed the actors, designed the stage, selected the background music, edited some part of drama, and even did make-up for the actors. To be an artistically creative person, I often go to galleries, museums, theaters and try to read a lot, especially literature. And when I get impressed by them, I write reviews and critique.
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