Thursday, May 3, 2012

Minju Yeo / Something you know how to do that might be helpful to someone else./ Mon 12

 <How to pet cats>


  Few months ago, I had taken care of my friend's kitty for a week. The kitty's name was Coco, and it was the first time for me to take care of a cat. I was scared at first, because the cats' nails are sharp and they can scratch me. After learning from my friend how to pet it, I wasn't afraid anymore. People have to know about dos and don'ts about petting a cat. Using too much force or speed can agitate some of the cats. It requires few steps to pet cats. Firstly, the cats decide when it is petting time. They often come up to people and try to touch them or bite them. It's a sign that they want some petting. If you notice the sign, you have to let them sniff your hand so they can feel comfortable. Secondly, you can start petting them using your finger. Then, use your palm of your hand smoothly from the neck along the back, all the way until you get to the tail, then back again. However, be careful with their tummy, even though they might roll around and show it to you. They are different from dogs and showing their tummy doesn't always mean they want you to touch it. Finally, when cats purr, it means they are satisfied and happy. Cat's don't like to be petted that much. So you shouldn't pet it for too much time. If you follow these steps, you can be friendly with cats. It is a little bit difficult to be friends with cats at first, but if you succeed in following these steps, you will get used to it.


  1. Hi this is Kahee Lee.
    I think that you wrote this paragrapth very well.
    I can't really find things to correct!
    I can agree with the steps you explained because I have a friend who has three cats so I had chances to get friendly with cats.
    What I like about your writing is that you started with your own experience. I think its makes the paragraph more intresting.
    Just my opinion, but I think that it would be easier to read the paragraph if you changed the word 'agitate' in the 6th sentence to a more easier like 'Using too much force or speed can make some of the cats nervous'. Otherwise that I think that your writing is very good.
    See you in class :-D

  2. Hi, MinJu! This is Jeong Hyen Joo! I really like your paragraph because I also had a kitty recently. So, this information was really useful to me. Thanks!

    1. I think your topic sentence is that people have to know about dos and don'ts about petting a cat. So, I could realize that you will talk about some steps to pet cats.
    2. Also, there is your experience about why did you choose this topic. You wrote about how to pet cat because you had taken care of your friend’s kitty for a week.
    3. There are time order words in your paragraph like firstly, secondly, and finally. It was really useful to read your writing because I could understand the flow of paragraph.
    4. You explained why this process is useful or necessary to other people. It is really helpful to person who raises cats like me!
    5. I think your concluding sentence is “It is a l ittle bit difficult to be friends with cats at first, but if you succeed in following these steps, you will get used to it.” It does restate your main idea.

  3. Second draft

    Few months ago, I had taken care of my friend's kitty for a week. The kitty's name was Coco, and it was the first time for me to take care of a cat. I was scared at first, because the cats' nails are sharp and they can scratch me. After learning from my friend how to pet it, I wasn't afraid anymore. People have to know about dos and don'ts about petting a cat. Using too much force or speed can agitate some of the cats. It requires few steps to pet cats. Firstly, the cats decide when it is petting time. They often come up to people and try to touch them or bite them. It's a sign that they want some petting. If you notice the sign, you have to let them sniff your hand so they can feel comfortable. Secondly, you can start petting them using your finger. Then, use your palm of your hand smoothly from the neck along the back, all the way until you get to the tail, then back again. However, be careful with their tummy, even though they might roll around and show it to you. They are different from dogs and showing their tummy doesn't always mean they want you to touch it. Finally, when cats purr, it means they are satisfied and happy. Cat's don't like to be petted that much. So you shouldn't pet it for too much time. If you follow these steps, you can be friendly with cats. It is a little bit difficult to be friends with cats at first, but if you succeed in following these steps, you will get used to it.
